Service Time: Sunday 10AM
8155 Watt Ave, Antelope CA 95843 | 916.872.1777
Located in the Elverta Crossing Shopping Center
(Tractor Supply Store), near Watt Avenue & Elverta

Teen Hike “CleMentine Trail”

There is just no better way to bond a group than a group hike! Training Hill is the perfect place! Clementine Trail offers a steep uphill climb to beautiful meadows and easy downhill walk. Not for the faint of heart! This easy trail is ideal for a panoramic hike along the North Fork American River, much of it is in the shade of conifers and oaks and in close proximity to riparian flora and chaparral. Several side trails lead down to the river, the last one descending to a deep pool beneath the North Fork Dam where spectacular views of water cascading over the dam can be seen.

  • Arrive at 7:00am, Donuts/Milk await your teenager.
  • Bring: Water bottle, backpack, sack lunch to eat on the trail, comfortable shoes, (sunglasses and hat strongly suggested).
  • $10 in cash, we will be stopping at Tasty Freeze in Auburn on our way back
  • Will be back at the church before 2:00pm (teens will call you when we are on the way back).

Check out this 4.4-mile out-and-back trail near Cool, California. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 2 hours to complete. This is a very popular area for fishing, hiking, and horseback riding, so you’ll likely encounter other people while exploring. The trail is open year-round and is beautiful to visit anytime.