Service Time: Sunday 10AM
8155 Watt Ave, Antelope CA 95843 | 916.872.1777
Located in the Elverta Crossing Shopping Center
(Tractor Supply Store), near Watt Avenue & Elverta

Community Food Closet/Pantry

The Pointe Church, in partnership with the North Highlands Christian Food Ministry, is more than just a food pantry; it’s a family, a support network, and a lifeline for our Antelope community. Our committed volunteers, united by a common passion for service, work relentlessly to guarantee that every family in our area has enough to eat before they sleep.

On Tuesday mornings, from 9:00 am to noon, we offer a 3-day supply of food, including both perishable and non-perishable items. These are boxed up and delivered directly discretely to your car upon registration. No prior registration is necessary; we are honored to serve you. Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, and we are here to assist.

  • Arrive Tuesday mornings (9:00-11:00am) and register with the team and simply return to the comfort of your own car.
  • The team will box up a three (3) day supply of food and deliver it to you. The entire process takes (usually) less than 20 minutes.
  • 8155-Watt Avenue, Antelope (Tractor Supply Store Lot).